Cloud Migration Challenges and How to Overcome Them

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Concept of cloud computing. Devices connected to the cloud. Synchronizing devices with cloud storage. Vector illustration in Isometric style

Cloud migration has been a much-sought after solution ever since remote working gained momentum in the last few months. With more organizations considering remote working as a long-term solution, cloud migration once again comes into clearer focus.

Compared to legacy infrastructure and solutions, cloud is always a better choice. In a previous blog, we had discussed why organizations big and small should be going the cloud way.

But is it really that easy? What are the challenges your organization might face during cloud migration? How can you overcome them or better, avoid them altogether?

#1. Devising the migration strategy

Making the jump to cloud might be tempting enough. But devising the migration strategy is far more important. Every business comes with its own set of requirements and challenges. Every migration strategy must start with an analysis of these two factors.

Because the vendor you choose and the services they provide must work in your favor.

Other important factors you must consider in the planning stage are the cost you might incur, the downtime you might have to face, and how much training you will have to give your employees.

#2. Rightly estimating the cost

In the long term, all cloud solutions prove to be cost effective. But the cost you incur in the beginning may vary depending on the data you want to migrate and infrastructural costs. 

Do not forget to factor in the training expenses as well for the employees to adapt to the new technology.

You must also take into account the cost it might take to make your existing data compatible with the cloud architecture you’re planning to adopt.

#3. Ensuring data security

The biggest challenge any organization might have while they consider cloud migration is the question of security. Ultimately, “Will my data or my clients’ data be safe?” is the question that everyone wants assurances for. It is a valid question. You’re handing over your data to a third party. 

The big players in the market like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure are good for their word, of course. Their security policies are impeccable.

Be sure to be aware of the cloud service providers’ compliance policies before you make a decision.

#4. Training your employees

Most companies do not factor the branch-off costs that cloud migration entails. Training your employees for one. It is a common error to assume that all your employees will be comfortable with the change and will dive right into it from day one. Sadly, this might not be the case for most people.

Adapting to technology can be a challenge for some and to avoid any future hiccups, it is always better to give technology training to the employees after the migration. This will help them adapt to the architecture smoothly, thus avoiding any negative impact on productivity.

#5. Minimizing downtime

Most companies say that after data security, business downtime is the biggest challenge of cloud migration. Network connectivity often plays the villain in this story. Downtime, however short, can prove to be dangerous for companies, for small and big ones. Revenue for the former and reputation for the latter.

To ensure business continuity through the migration process, businesses must plan beforehand the nuances of the process. Minimizing downtime as much as possible must be as big a priority as ensuring data security.

Go cloud, it’s worth it

No matter what challenges you might face before or during cloud migration, there is definitely a solution for it. And what’s more? Cloud is worth it.

An all-encompassing solution like Google Cloud Platform has already thought through almost all these problems to bring you the easiest cloud migration process. 

And to make the process even simpler and support and train you, you have people like us. As a Google Premier Partner, Econz has been supporting business in their cloud journey, including providing training in adapting to the technology. Reach out to us if you too want to start this journey, we’ll be happy to help.